
Go to the publisher order page; you can check out right there and they will ship it to you.

(Search for coupon codes for Lulu Publishing to see if there is an active discount! You can usually find one for 10% or 15%.)

In Person

If you live near Bowdoin, you can drop by and buy one from me. You will need to contact me in advance to see if I have any here. I don't often sell them directly, but email me and I will let you know when I have some.


Each workbook is $22.00 plus tax. If you would like to use the workbook in a co-op or other group of six or more, the group rate is $18.00 each book. Even if you don't use it in a co-op setting, offering to order for your friends will help you get the group rate. The price includes a free downloadable Answer Key. email meor message me through my Facebook Page to get this discount.